
My name is Erik Howell and Beer Is My Passion. I’m a home brewer and for the most part a huge beer nerd. I’m hoping that by creating this page I can inspire more people to try new beers regularly and not get fooled by pretty packaging. I host blind beer tastings once a month, with one goal in mind: TO FIND THE PERFECT BREW. If you are a professional beer judge that is awesome (I wish I could make a job out of that ), but my tastings are more geared towards general appreciators of beer. What makes these tastings so great is that any palate can weigh in on what they like or dislike about a beer. Each beer gets an individual rating on a scale of 1 to 10 (per judge), and at the end of the night we tally up the votes and rank each beer by score. You’d be surprised at the outcome. Anyway, I’m happy you dropped by and I wish you luck on your quest for the ultimate brew. Cheers!

4 Replies to “About”

    1. Hey Matt. I saw you were interested in getting updates on tastings. If you click the follow button on the bottom right side of my home page you will get email updates for all my tastings. You can also follow BIMP on Facebook by clicking the “Like” button. If you use Twitter I send updates to that as well (@beerismypassion). Just make sure to register your beer through the Request A Brew portal. That way we don’t end up with duplicate entries at the tasting. Hope this helps.

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